Stop the Islamic Invasion. Amend the Constitution.

Two days after the Orlando terrorist attack, an article in Rolling Stone called for a Constitutional Amendment to repeal the Second Amendment.

While I vehemently disagreed with the proposal, I actually respected the author.  Many people want our government to act in unconstitutional ways.  Sadly, they normally attempt to make this happen by simply ignoring the constitution or explaining how it is outdated.  This is never a legitimate act, however.  The constitution itself has a mechanism for keeping it up-to-date: the ability to amend it.  Therefore, people who want guns banned should not be arguing for new laws but rather a new amendment.

What does this have to do with Islam? Well just like those who want to ban guns need to first amend the constitution, if our country is to defeat ISIS and Islamic jihad we must first amend the constitution.  As the constitution currently stands, we are ill-equipped to deal with the Islamic threat we face.  Why is this?  The answer lies at the heart of Islam’s identity: Islam is not simply a religion.

In order to back up this claim, we are going to look at what Islam teaches and what it says its goals are.  In order to prepare ourselves, we need to first watch the following 3-minute video.  It is from an Islamic conference in Norway in May of 2013.  This is a room full of Muslims.  Listen to what they say about their own beliefs.

Here we have a room of “moderate, normal Muslims” who support segregation between men and women, the stoning of adulterers, the execution of homosexuals, and the death penalty whenever the Quran calls for it.  Recall the speaker’s words in the beginning: “It’s not that speaker that we’re inviting who has these extreme, radical views. . .  These are general views that every Muslim actually has.  Every Muslim believes in those things.  Just because they’re not telling you about it.  Just because they’re not out there in the media doesn’t mean they don’t believe in them.”

What Islam teaches is far different from what the average non-Muslim believes.  Look at the words of Imam Jafar Sadiq:

One who exposes something from our religion is like one who intentionally kills us.[ref] Hadith Imam Jafar Sadiq Footnote #1, Usool al Kafi, 88.[/ref]

You belong to a religion that whosoever conceals it, Allah will honor him and whosoever reveals it, Allah will disgrace him.[ref] Ibid., Ft. #2, Ibid., 522.[/ref]

Here we have an Islamic teacher stating how Muslims should hide what they believe.  This doctrine is known as kithman.  Why would Muslims be encouraged to deliberately conceal their true beliefs?  Well let’s take a look at a closely related tenant of Islam: taqiya.  Taqiya allows Muslims to lie in order to advance the cause of Islam.  In Islam, the views of truth and falsehood are not treated as they are in other religions.  Instead, one’s words are only evaluated by whether or not they help further Islam.  If lying is what helps Islam, then the Muslim is encouraged to do so!

Having trouble believing that Muslims are instructed to lie to unbelievers whenever it makes Islam look better?  Well let’s take another look at their own words.  From Islamic scholar Ibn Kathir:

Allah prohibited his believing servants from becoming supporters of the disbelievers, or to take them as comrades with whom they develop friendships. . . Allah said next, “Unless you indeed fear a danger from them,” meaning, except [Muslims] who in some areas or times fear for their safety from the disbelievers. In this case, such believers are allowed to show friendship to the disbelievers outwardly, but never inwardly. For instance, Al-Bukhari recorded that Abu Ad-Darda’ said, “We smile in the face of some people although our hearts curse them.”[ref] Ibn Kathir’s Tafsir, Sura 3:28.[/ref]

And from Ibn Taymiyah in his book The Sword on the Neck of the Accuser of Muhammad:

Believers when in a weakened stage in a non-Muslim country should forgive and be patient with [Jews and Christians] when they insult Allah and his prophet by any means. Believers should lie to [them] to protect their lives and their religion.[ref] Taymiyah, The Sword on the Neck of the Accuser of Muhammad, 221, quoted in Gabriel, Islam and Terrorism, 91.[/ref]

Wow! So here we have two Islamic scholars who clearly state Muslims can and should lie to unbelievers. This is not my opinion, this is fact as declared by members of the Islamic religion themselves. In the first quote, the scholar refers to a Muslim who says Muslims smile at unbelievers while they curse them in their heart! In the second quote, the scholar makes it very clear lying is preferred whenever it protects Islam.

This is why the public has such a misconception of Islam. Muslims lie about what their religion teaches. And their religion supports them lying for this purpose! If people really knew everything Islam teaches, they would reject it! Therefore, Muslims conceal what they really believe, and when necessary, they outright lie to protect their religion.

One of the most common lies we hear is how Islam is a religion of peace. Islam is the bloodiest religion in the history of the world. It was born in conquest. Muhammad was a warlord who slaughtered villagers and took their wives as sex slaves. Yet, when the Muslims claim their religion is a religion of peace, they are able to quote the Quran. Here is the most common passage cited:

“If any one slew a person . . . it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people.” (Quran 5:32).

Well this seems to be a pretty peaceful teaching from Muhammad, right? Yes, it is, but there is more at play here. Muhammad contradicted himself multiple times as he was preaching Islam. He was eventually confronted, and here was his reply:

“Whatever of Our revelations We repeal or cause to be forgotten, We will replace them with something superior or comparable. Do you not know that Allah has power over all things? . . . Would you question your messenger as Moses was questioned in his time?” (Quran 2:106).

And again Muhammad stated:

“When we exchange one verse for another, and Allah knows best what He reveals, they say ‘You are making this up.’ Most of them do not understand.” (Quran 16:101).

Muhammad is explaining that Allah can bring new revelations to Muhammad and that these revelations repeal and replace the former teachings. This is called abrogation. This is crucial because unbelievers can never really know the efficacy of any Quranic verse. Before we know if a verse has any real meaning, we would need to know if it has been abrogated or not. When determining which Quranic verses still have meaning, it is not their order within the Quran which matters, but the chronological order in which they were spoken. When two verses contradict, the verse which was uttered by Muhammad later in his life has superseded the other.

And here is the key: the peaceful verses of the Quran have been abrogated by its violent verses. Remember the quote from Ibn Taymiyah? He said Muslims should be tolerant of unbelievers when in a weakened stage. Where does he get this concept from? The life of Muhammad! When Muhammad was first starting his religion, he was in the city of Mecca. While in Mecca, his religious group was a small minority. They were weak compared to the Arabian pagans, and he did what any Muslim does: said whatever it takes to further Islam. Therefore, while weak, he preached peace. But Muhammad was not having much success in Mecca, so he migrated to Medina. There, he began to grow in power. And as soon as he was able to exert influence over others, his true colors were revealed. Through deception and violence, he conquered and killed anyone who opposed him. As a religious leader, these actions obviously had to be supported by Allah. So Muhammad uttered new revelations from Allah supporting these murderous conquests. These violent revelations abrogated the peaceful ones which came before them.

Now we can see what type of religion Islam is with regards to deception. It is the most deceptive and twisted religion in the history of the world. Muslims are encouraged to say whatever it takes to further Islam. When Muslims are in a position of weakness, they act peaceful and quote the peaceful verses of the Quran (as Muhammad did). Yet when they obtain a position of strength, they kill and enslave those who oppose them and have the violent verses of Quran for their support! This religion is unlike any other religion in the world.

Earlier I stated Islam is not simply a religion. Islam is really a political ideology which seeks to conquer and control the entire world. Muhammad himself said, “I have been ordered to fight the people till they say: ‘None has the right to be worshipped but Allah.”[ref] Sahih Bukhari, Volume 9, Book 84, Number 59, narrated by Abu Huraira.[/ref] And from Sura 9:29:

Fight those among the People of the Book, who believe not in Allah, nor in the Last Day, nor hold as unlawful what Allah and His messenger have declared to be unlawful, nor follow the true religion, until they pay the tax considering it a favor and acknowledge their subjection.

Clear as day, Muhammad and his followers state they have been called to wage war against the entire world until they all either worship Allah or pay an unbeliever’s tax and acknowledge their subjection. By the way, the definition of the Arabic word “Islam” is submission. This is not just a religion. It has a political and legal system for society titled Shariah Law, and from the very beginning its goal has been total domination. Islam wants you to bow down in submission to it, and it has no qualms to kill you if you refuse to kneel.

Remember Ibn Kathir? Let’s see what this Muslim scholar has to say on Muhammad’s wars:

Allah commands the believers to fight the disbelievers, the closest in area to the Islamic state, then the farthest. This is why the Messenger of Allah started fighting the idolaters in the Arabian Peninsula. When he finished with them. . . he then started fighting the People of the Scriptures.[ref] Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Sura 9:123.[/ref]

I’m sure you have heard about how Muhammad and Islam’s wars against non-Muslims were defensive wars. That is taqiya in action being used against you. It is downright false. Islamic scholars admit – when communicating with fellow Muslims – Muhammad fought unbelievers because Allah commanded it. This proves Islam never was, is not now, nor ever will be a religion of peace.

Let us return to the three minute video from the Islamic conference in Norway. The speaker’s words towards the end were particularly telling: “What is the media going to say now?  That we are all extremists?  That we are all radicals?  We need to deport all of us from this country?”  He is essentially saying, Yes, it’s not just the radicals. This is what we all believe. And what are you going to do about it?

Why would he say such things? Because Islam in Europe is beginning to switch from its submissive to oppressive state. The Europeans’ appeasement is seen as weakness by the Islamic invaders. The Muslim populations are growing in size and power. Now is the time of ending for kithman. Now Muslims are pulling back the mask and revealing their true beliefs. The goal today is for European acceptance. The goal for tomorrow is European submission.

Now I understand many of you have been thinking, “but this all only pertains to radical Muslims. What about all the peaceful, moderate Muslims??” This is why the video from the Norwegian conference is so important. Yes, there are Muslims who are peaceful who disagree with these tenants of Islam. But they are not the vast majority you are told. While very few Muslims are willing to strap bombs to their chest, many Muslims support these terrorists. In Belgium, “moderate” Muslims hid and said nothing about the mastermind of the French terrorist attacks for months. If most of the community was completely opposed to such actions, he would have been outed much sooner. They knew who they were hiding.

Still not convinced? Check out this poll on the Arabic news website Al Jazeera. Here are screen shots of the poll with results in Arabic and then translated into English:[ref][/ref]

Al Jazeera Poll Arabic

Al Jazeera Poll English

Yes, you read that correctly. 81% of respondents supported the victories of ISIS in Iraq and Syria. The ongoing Islamic invasions are not the result of a tiny minority of Muslims. Few may be the Muslims who commit the violent acts, but widespread is their support.

If you still aren’t convinced, click here for a great video breaking it down. Remember, that group of “moderate, normal Muslims” all raised their hands saying the Quran’s penalties are the best penalties possible. Support for Islamic penalties is a support for Islamic Law. Shariah Law is the political and legal framework within Islam, and for it to be fully in place it must be the controlling force in a region. The aggressive conquests of Islam are not a concept of “radical” Islam. They are orthodox Islam.

Islam has always been seeking to invade all non-Muslim nations and people groups. Out of the mouth of Muhammad himself, Muslims are commanded to fight against unbelievers until only Muslims are left. This is why the United States of America needs a Constitutional Amendment in regards to Islam. At this stage of the war – and yes it is a war, and a war which the Muslims have declared (but not openly, instead deceptively) – I do not believe we should ban Islam outright. This is the amendment I propose:

In recognition of Islam’s identity as an aggressive political ideology, Islam will no longer be granted the same protections as other religions under the first amendment.

Islam uses its guise as simply a religion to further its conquest. Its perceived identity as a religion allows it to move forward with a level of protection no other invading force would ever have. If a group of Russian nationalists formed enclaves educating Americans to support Russian law on American soil, the FBI would be monitoring and disrupting these groups (at the very least). Yet Islam’s mosques teach millions of Americans each year they should support the overthrow of the United States Constitution with the establishment of Shariah Law. In order for our country to defend itself against this invading force, we must recognize it for what it is and remove the religious protections it does not deserve.

Islam is not a religion.

No other religion in the world openly calls for world conquest by force.

No other religion in the world compels its members to knowingly lie and deceive.

No other religion in the world seeks to establish a political structure over every nation’s body-politic.

No other religion in the world orders its believers to kill those who will not convert.

Stop the Islamic invasion. Amend the United States Constitution.

I am greatly indebted to the work of Joel Richardson for finding these quotes and writings from Islamic scholars.[ref]Joel Richardson, The Islamic Antichrist (Los Angeles: WorldNetDaily, 2009).[/ref]

This is my blog’s debut post. Please click here to read the purpose of this blog. Make sure to check back in the future for more posts!